The Chilean Chamber of Commerce in Japan is a non-profit organization established to facilitate and develop commercial relations and friendship in between Chile and Japan.
At the moment the final registration process is ongoing, during 2019 the CHCCJ will be officially registered as The Chile-Japan Business Council Association and the final chamber status is expected to be granted early 2020.
The chamber will promote the interest of chilean companies, entrepreneurs and its members and helps to strengthen bilateral commercial relations between companies in Chile and Japan.
The organization aims to bring innovation and create a diverse platform for companies and individuals with commercial ties to Chile to share and participate creating value and new business opportunities in the best interest of both countries.
- Our -
The Chamber aims to create investment opportunities, commercial exchange, and business support to companies and individuals investing in Chile or Japan. Promoting friendship and investment between Chile and Japan will help to strengthen ties and create new opportunities for Chilean and Japanese companies and investors.
私たちのミッションは、新たな投資機会を創造し、両国間 の貿易を振興し、そしてチリや日本に投資する企業、事業所、 団体、個人を支援する重要な戦略パートナーであることです。
We believe in the importance of personal relations to strengthen commercial activities and provide a valuable network of professionals and contacts that will add value to your business.
私たちは貿易振興には個人的なつな がりが重要であると考えており、業界の 方々の貴重なネットワークや交流の機 会を提供いたします。これは皆さまのビ ジネスにとって大変有意義なものとな るでしょう。
Our platform promotes transparent and up-to-date information to facilitate and promote investment in both countries, which our members can use to create new opportunities.
当組織のプラットフォームでは、チリと 日本への投資を促進・振興するため透 明性の高い最新の情報を提供いたし ます。メンバーの皆さまはこれを活用し新た なチャンスを生み出すことができるで しょう。
We provide a window to showcase your company and products to potential business partners. We organize unique and extraordinary events so that members can participate and introduce their companies and products to Japan and the world.
当組織を窓口として潜在的ビジネスパ ートナーに会社やその製品を見ていた だくことができます。会議所はユニーク で素晴らしいイベントを開催しますの で、メンバーの皆さまはそこに参加して 会社やその製品を日本にそして世界に 披露することができます。
By being a member you will be part of a business organization that communicates your ideas directly to ProChile, The Chilean Embassy in Japan and key government officials so that your voice can be heard.
Professional Development
By participating in our events, you will expand business relations and international connections. As well as have the chance to participate in our yearly ‘Business Person of the Year’ award ceremony.
Social and Environmental
By becoming a member of our chamber you will be able to contribute to charities and environmental societies to make our world a better place for our future generations.
メンバーとしてチャリティ団体や環境関 連団体に関わり、将来の世代のため世 界をより良い場所にしようとする活動 に寄与することができます。
- Worldwide -
We are connected to other Chilean Chambers of Commerce and Business Organizations that promote trade and investment

China & HK
Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan. Chile Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce

AmCham Chile. The ACCJ

British Chamber of Commerce in Japan. BRITCHAM

Indian Chamber of Commerce in Japan. CAMINDIA


Camara Chileno Canadiense de Comercio. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan